Carroll County
Sheriff's Office
Delphi, Indiana
Mobile Version Like us on Facebook!

Crime Tips HOTline
(765) 564-2413
Ext. 1

or Submit Via Email

(765) 564-2413
(24 hours)
Dispatch: Ext 1
Jail: Ext 2
Administration: Ext 3

Dial 911

310 W. Main Street
Delphi, Indiana 46923

Admin Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 11:45am
1:00pm - 5:00pm

Tax Warrants

If you have received a letter advising you that a tax warrant has been issued there are a few different ways you can pay. 

  • Send a check or money order to Carroll County Sheriff's Office, 310 W Main Delphi, IN 46923

Make it payable to Carroll County Sheriff. 

  • In Person between the hours of 8AM - 11:30AM / 1PM - 4:30PM Monday through Friday
    •  By credit card  Pay here , use the CC Code and tax warrant number located on the warrant. 

If paying by credit card be sure to mark that you are paying an income tax warrant in the drop down box. 

After receiving payment by mail or credit card, the Matron will then mail you a receipt. 

If you need to set up a payment plan just call 765-564-2413 / 3 and the Matron will be glad to assist you. 

If you feel that you have received this letter in error, please contact the Indiana Department of Revenue at 317-232-2165 or Indiana Department of Revenue